Home Board Game News Agricola for iOS Released

Agricola for iOS Released


Agricola IconFans of the fantastic worker placement game Agricola have been waiting for this day for quite a while. Agricola, long ago announced to be on its way, has finally been released for your iPad and iPhone. If you haven’t played it before, Agricola puts you in the role of a farmer trying to expand his family, fields and livestock. While that may not sound too excited, the game play in Agricola in nothing short of amazing and is probably one of the best worker placement games out there. That’s could be why it’s rated as the #2 board game overall on boardgamegeek.com.

Agricola Screenshot
The look of the town in Agricola is a lot more stylized in the iOS version.

Now you can play Agricola on the go as Playdek (Can’t Stop, Summoner Wars) has released thier version of this game today for iOS. Rather than go the literal translation route, the game board looks somewhat different. The board is more stylized now with the worker placement board looking like an actual town. The player board is a bit more similar to the cardboard version, but still has some stylistic tweaks. The game play should be the same as its cardboard predecessor though, so no worries there.

The iOS version has options for online and offline play as well as a solo version. Agricola also features a tutorial to get you familiar with the game if it’s been a long time since you’ve played. The game is available now for $6.99 in the app store as a universal app.

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