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Board Game Prize Pack Contest


Update: The contest has ended. Alex T was the first person to correctly guess all the answers. He didn’t want the prize, only wanted to be the first. So we sent the prize to the second person to guess all the answers, congrats to Nicholas R. for winning the prize pack!

December is here and since it’s also the season of giving, we decided to jump in with both feet and create a fun contest. While our normal giveaways are pretty easy, we decided to have a little fun this time and make a game out of it. So pay attention to the rules.

Below is an image that has components from 16 different games. Your task is to try and figure out which game each of the components is from. The first person to do that will win a prize pack of four different board games:

• Meeple Towers
• Neuroshima: Convoy
• Lindisfarne
• Photosynthesis: Under the Moonlight Expansion

This contest is winner take all, so one clever person is going to take home all four games! Once you think you know all the games (or have your best guess), use this Google Form to submit your answers. The first person to correctly do so, wins! And if no one correctly guesses all the game by Saturday, December 12th, we’ll choose a random winner from the entries that had the most correct guesses.

Good Luck!

Main Image
Click to enbiggen the image.

For those curious, here are the answers:

  1. Under Falling Skies
  2. Meeple Towers
  3. Dinogenics
  4. Watergate
  5. Nemo’s War
  6. Now Boarding
  7. Azul: Summer Pavilion
  8. Seikatsu
  9. Unlocking Insanity
  10. Street Masters
  11. Sushi Roll
  12. Rallyman GT
  13. Unmatched: Bruce Lee
  14. Black Fleet
  15. Startropolis
  16. Nemesis

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