Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 1/1/24

Kickstarters of the Week: 1/1/24


The new year is here and for those of you who are new, we are in the annual Kickstarter drought, which annually follows the big push to get stuff out in time for Christmas. As a result, big-name campaigns are a bit hard to come by this time of year, so expect a few weeks of the doldrums before things kick back up into gear.  Still, there are a few games for you to check out this week.

And in case you missed it last week, Brandon and I have released our annual Top 10 Board Games of 2023. Check it out!

Also, if you want to chat with the BGQ team, join our Discord Server where we talk about games, movies, sports, and other fun stuff. Or if Facebook is more your speed, join our BGQ Gamers Facebook Group. Check it out and come chat about board games with us!

2d6 Realm2D6 Realm – A Classic Overland Crawler Solo Player Game

A Print and Play, Roll and Write, Overland Crawler, Solo Player Game designed by Toby Lancaster

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £6+
Ends: Tuesday, January 2nd
Check it out

Starship ScavengersStarship Scavengers – Station Thirty One

Solo play Sci-Fi adventure plus additional Sci-Fi RPG content

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £8+
Ends: Wednesday, January 3rd
Check it out

Meta DomainMeta Domain: A fourth-wall-bending cleric subclass for 5E

This features Clerics who are self-aware that this all might be a game! It’s a  fun, powerful, and playable subclass plus new spells, items, and creatures!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $5+
Ends: Thursday, January 4th
Check it out

ColonialColonial 1700-1800

Colonial 1700-1800 is a strategic game for 1 to 5 players that recreates the clash between European powers to preserve and increase their colonial empires during the 18th century.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: €50+
Ends: Thursday, January 4th
Check it out

FiefFief England – Alliances, Treachery, And Power

Fief England is a game of dynastic ambition where players lead noble families in medieval England.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $75+
Ends: Sunday, January 7th
Check it out



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