Home Board Game News Warhammer 40k Kill Team Teaser

Warhammer 40k Kill Team Teaser


Games Workshop surprisingly dropped a new announcement on us this Friday. The fast-paced skirmish game Warhammer 40k Kill Team is getting built from the ground up. This is almost like a new edition launch for the popular game that pits squads of combatants from the world of Warhammer 40k into mid and close ranged combat situations allowing for fast brutal games of gun play and melee.

The announcement was coupled with an amazingly done cinematic trailer pitting Orks against a unit of Death Korps Krieg. After some brutal fighting, it doesn’t end well for the Orks or the Kreig. If you haven’t checked it out, you should give it a view.

Games Workshop will be hosting an online preview on Saturday, July 10th at 10am EST for their “Octarius  Mission Briefing” that is sure to hold some surprises for everyone and expand upon the announcement of a new, built from the ground up Kill Team game. It might also mean that the Krieg will be returning! See you out on the battlefield!


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