Quest Lists
Best Licensed Board Games
For the longest time, licensed board games were mostly shovelware. These were games that were reskinned versions of mass-market titles made purely to capture...
The Ugliest Board Games We Love
Many board gamers are shallow. All they care about is how things look. It’s not what’s on the inside that matters (unless you’re talking...
Best Board Games to Play Outdoors
Don’t you just love the outdoors? Sometimes gamers get a bad rap for only participating in indoor activities. But I can vouch, gamers can...
Quest List: Gateway Board Game Recommendations
Welcome to a new series of articles from us at Board Game Quest, which we are calling the Quest List. Similar to our traditional...
2023: The Year of Discovering Old Favorites
This year has been a weird one. Somehow it’s halfway over and yet, there hasn’t been a lot that’s come across our collective radars...
Quest List: Most Anticipated Board Games of 2020
Welcome back to the second iteration of Quest List, where the writing staff here at Board Game Quest talk about games we think best...
Play This… Not That!
It’s the holidays, a birthday event, or just a family gathering—everyone is sitting around, relaxing, letting the food digest and the drink course through...